Neural Signals being transmitted and dictating the actions of a computer

February 26, 2024

How Near Are We to Controlling Devices with Telepathy?

Meta has been developing hand-wearable technology to interpret neural signals to control devices. This wristband utilizes electromyography to detect neural electrical signals passing through the nerves in the arm, allowing users to track hand and finger movements without invasive procedures. The ultimate goal is to create a natural and intuitive interface for interacting with technology, enabling users to control devices simply by thinking about the desired actions. A technology that can potentially change the face of devices designed for people with physical disabilities that hampers their mobility.

What does Meta hope to achieve with it?

The company’s long-term goals are to enable these wristbands to seamlessly communicate with AI or other individuals in real-time, offering a private and discrete interface for interaction. While still in development, Meta aims to bring this innovative technology to market in the coming years, promising both exciting possibilities and ethical considerations regarding privacy and communication.

How does it compare to other technology in the market?

Neuralink has made headlines by implanting a brain-computer interface chip in a human subject. This chip, inserted with the help of a surgical robot, targets the brain's intention-to-move region, initially aiming to enable control of computer cursors or keyboards through thoughts.

Elon Musk envisions broader applications for Neuralink, including potential treatments for obesity, autism, depression, and schizophrenia. However, the company has encountered scrutiny over its safety protocols, with recent fines imposed for violations related to transportation regulations.

What are the potential benefits of this tech in VR?

VR headsets maybe able to take input from neural actions
Imagine the revolution of neural technology in VR headsets

With reduced input latency, heightened accuracy, and occlusion-free finger tracking, the world of possibilities in VR is exponential. Picture this: no longer tethered to keeping your hands within the headset's view, you're free to move naturally. Imagine the marvel of actual keyboardless typing, where your fingers dance in the air, effortlessly translating into text. And with a myriad of gestures at your disposal, from intricate swipes to delicate pinches, interactions become more intuitive and immersive than ever before.

Future Outlook

In conclusion, while current body tracking systems excel in capturing player motion, they often miss finer details like finger and wrist movements outside the headset's field of view. Although alternatives like the Vision Pro offer gaze detection, they lack the tactile experience of real hand interaction. Personally, I'm hesitant about invasive body implants without a shut-off option. While Meta's wristband holds promise, its widespread adoption remains to be seen. Nevertheless, success could propel us closer to achieving authentic virtual reality experiences.

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